Welcome to Take A Knee Counseling

Take A Knee Counseling was started in 2023 by William Mclemore a former Army Reserve Solider who Deployed to Iraq in 2005 in support of OIF-3. He had noticed that veterans and military personnel would open up and start processing their mental health with other veterans long before they would seek professional help. This motivated him to seek the education necessary to help his battle brothers and sisters find the healing they needed.

Since then He has worked with several hundred veterans and their families process through the many traumas and maladaptive coping mechanisms which came from serving in the military both combat and non-combat related.

At Take A Knee Counseling we understand your military service in the most unique way, as one veteran to another. We offer you a chance to talk through and find the healing you need to live life to its fullest. You earned it.

William Currently holds a Master Degree in both Psychology and Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

Welcome to Take A Knee Counseling